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Individual Coaching

Health Professionals and Healthcare Leaders,

Do you want:

  • Less stress

  • Greater health

  • New career path or

  • Different way of leading yourself and/or your staff?

Do you imagine working and living in a way that’s both transformative for yourself and makes a difference in the world, without losing your health,  your passion or your paycheck? 

Maybe you envision your perfect dream job, but have doubts and fears that prevent you from creating or finding it.

Or you want to transform where you work, bringing in a culture that values holism, collaboration and a truly humanistic approach to working with your colleagues and the patients and families you serve.

Or maybe you are a leader and want more strategies to destress as well as ways to lead more creatively, courageously and mindfully.

It’s one thing to dream about changes, but it can be quite another to actually make the changes you desire.

If you’ve been going it alone, maybe this sounds familiar:

You’ve tried making changes in how you practice, communicate, manage stress or lead others, but haven’t experienced the success you are looking for. And you may wonder why? After all, you are a successful health professional and help others every day get to their goals.

Making changes for yourself, even small ones, can be challenging without the support of someone who is looking out for you, just like you look out for others.

Guilt-tripping and will power aren’t the answers. Supportive and practical know-how, positive encouragement and friendly, steady accountability is what makes the difference.

 If your previous approaches to making changes didn’t get you where you want to be, read how coaching can make the difference. 

What coaching can do for you.

  • Clarify your vision: A clear vision makes movement toward your goal easier. Are you able to describe your goal or is it a bit hazy? We’ll focus on getting your vision crystal clear so it can become a reality.
  • Engage your inner resources. You have strengths that you use in other areas of your life, but you may not have brought them forward in service to your vision. We’ll access these and capitalize on them.
  • Create a comprehensive strategy that keeps you in balance. Manifesting your vision takes identifying the tasks and steps you need to get there. I’ll guide you in identifying priorities and a logical order so you’re not spinning your wheels or taking tangents.
  • Check-ins that celebrate and build on milestones as a springboard to even more success. It’s so important to pause, review where you were and celebrate your successes. This keeps your vital energy and creativity flowing to meet the natural challenges when making internal and external changes.
  • Replace fear and doubt with confidence and clarity. When you can get under your beliefs and assumptions and find an authentic way to find true confidence, breakthroughs occur, making deep and lasting transformations.
  • Map out strategies to engage your team, colleagues and lead stakeholders. How to effectively engage your team and get the support of lead stakeholders, so no one else trips you up or blocks you. And cultivating relationships with personal and professional partners reduces your sense of isolation and engages help in meaningful ways.


Jackie is a brilliant coach!  I can rely on her to help me move out of stagnant thinking into expanded, uplifting possibility! She is full of juicy insights and has a contagious sense of humor that is truly healing. I love her reminders of the essentially sacred nature of life because they connect me right back into the vastness of who I am.  She is a gem!!  Susan Kistin, Coach/Therapist, CA

 Jackie consistently holds a higher vision of and for me. She doesn’t get lost in my confusion or self-doubt. She made a point early on to find out what my strengths are, and she listened well, because she always reminds me of my strengths and my higher vision – a vision I can’t see for myself when I’m stuck – and she uses that vision to guide the session.
 Amy Brown, Ohio

Burst Coaching

Burst Coaching is for you when your goals are very specific and you need help identifying 3-5 action steps to get your plan of action in place.

For example, you want to introduce a new program at work, enhance your presentation style, or want to make a specific career move, but don’t know how. Burst Coaching includes an in-depth pre-coaching call questionnaire, a 90-minute coaching call by phone or video chat room, and a 60-minute follow-up coaching call at 1-month. If you are someone who does well with additional structure, we can add in email support.
Your investment: $375.00. With email support during the month: $500.00.

How payment is made for Burst Coaching.

This is made as a single payment. I will send you an electronic invoice or if you prefer you can pay by check.

If you want to explore your specific goal with me, take this Goal Clarifying Questionnaire.


Individual Coaching Packages

Coaching packages are created specifically for you. Most packages expand over 4-6 months with 6-8 coaching calls. Some people prefer more frequent and shorter length calls (45-60 minutes)  and others prefer to have more time between coaching calls with calls 90-minutes long, while still others prefer a mixture. 

Coaching calls are scheduled based on your needs and goals. Sometimes there are a few close together and others farther apart.  There is no right or one way to co-create your coaching package. We can determine what is best for your present circumstances and create a unique package that’s right for you.

Each call focuses on your current needs and how that ties into your bigger vision.

Between scheduled call communications.  We stay in touch. You send me updates, questions, “ahas”. I send you thoughts and strategies to stay on track, inspire moving forward or even pausing to take stock.  Email works well.

A coaching call keeps you moving forward on your path. In addition to direct strategizing and my coaching inquiry style, I also incorporate a multitude of holistic strategies. These might include  mindfulness meditation, guided imagery, hypnosis, energy medicine techniques, movement and dream work, based on your interest and my guidance to determine what would help you reach your short and long term goal(s).

At the end of each call you’ll leave knowing what your next steps are.  We’ll focus on practical, doable action steps that will have impact and movement toward your goal(s).

We use Zoom (a video chat room) or phone to meet. If you are local, you may find an in-person session helpful from time to time and this can be scheduled.

Don’t let another month, year or 5 years go by. You are the only one who can take this step forward!

Your Investment in Yourself

Your financial investment in a coaching relationship reflects your passion and commitment to change how you live and work right now to how your life and work can be. The moment you make this clear and decisive commitment to yourself, the magic begins.

It’s a wonderful decision to make this kind of investment in yourself. Using your sense of intuition, does it feel right to start with Burst Coaching or with a Package? Is there a flutter in your heart saying an excited, “Yes!”?  Are there questions arising as well?

Goal-Clarifying Questionnaire

If you are curious if you are ready for Individual Coaching, either in the Burst Coaching or Package formats, fill out this Goal-Clarifying Questionnaire. Often this alone will help you clarify your goals, identify what hasn’t worked and how much you desire change and help. There is absolutely no obligation. Once I receive your Questionnaire, I’ll take a few days to sit with your responses and then contact you and together, we’ll go over your answers and how I may be of help. This call is totally and completely free. So why not, right?

Click here to take your Goal-Clarifying Questionnaire.

Your investment for the Coaching Package is $1,750. This also includes a pre-package 90- minute Goal-Clarifying Coaching Call as well as a 60-90 minute Celebration and Completion Coaching Call. If you want a different a coaching package that is more specific and individualized for your needs (increased frequency of calls over, more intense support) I will take your ideas and write you a proposal with the specific details and how much your investment would be.

How Payments are made for the Coaching Package.

Single Payment Plan
To pay by the single payment plan, I’ll send you an electronic invoice or you can pay by check. With that you get a bonus session of a Medicine Walk, a guided nature-based experience (even at a distance) that leads you to the heart and soul of your desired work. (Value $250.00). The Medicine Walk can be done at any point during the course of your package.

4 Payment Installment Plan

You can pay in 4 equal amounts of 437.50 with the payment plan buttons below.


Inital Payment: $437.50

Second Payment: $437.50

Third Payment: $437.50

Fourth Payment: $437.50


Much love!

No Events

Jackie has a potent presence. She embodies a unique combination of giving me the space to be where I’m at, offering curiosity, deep compassion, and an energetic fiery-ness. These elements combined create the perfect environment for healing and creating change; transformation. 

Jackie also has a depth of wisdom, an attentiveness to her own process of discovery and awareness, which is almost tangible in speaking with her. In just the first few moments of exchange, I feel at ease with her, and comfortable diving into challenging things. Kristin Lewis, Rhode Island

Jackie Levin


(206) 304-7703

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