More tips to care for yourself as well as you care for others
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One thing I know for sure, the nature of healthcare is stressful. 

The good news is, with some help, direction and powerful strategies you can have the kind of work in healthcare that you thrive in. 

And that’s what my services are all about.

Here’s how you can get started at reducing stress and bringing in more ease.

Take advantage of these 2 FREE offerings!

These options are for you if you are very short on time and want some help right now! They are also perfect if you are just getting to know me and you want to know how I think and how I roll.

Free Room to Breathe Mindfulness Video
This an easy way to experience taking a few moments for your inner well being. Just fill out the form on the right side of the page and it will be delivered to your Inbox. Easy.


Free Refill Your Cup eBookThree Powerful Strategies for More Energy, Vitality and Inspired Connections at Work: A Resource For Health Professionals. Click here to download your copy!



This is for you if you want to make a difference in healthcare, but without all the stress and frazzle. 

Room to Breathe: Rewiring for Ease: Self-Paced* Learning eCourse: 
This program is just for health professionals, providing a safe environment to explore the common stressors impacting and affecting us all in the current crazy often chaotic healthcare system. You still love what you do, but not all frustrations, irritations and inefficiencies. Believe it or not, this can change with Room to Breathe: Rewiring for Ease. You’ll get the help you need to easing communication, reducing burnout and compassion fatigue and increasing your ability to focus and have real joy at work. Program approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association: 16 CNEs

Click here for more info for Room to Breathe Mindfulness program.

*Self-Paced means you can register when you want and read, practice and learn at your own pace. I’m still there to support you, but you have everything you need to start and complete the course right at your fingertips.


If you like in-person trainings, try a day or weekend program and develop your skills integrating holistic modalities into your work and personal life.  Learn how to reduce pain and suffering and enhance healing and recovery with my 2-day Energy-Based Healing. 10 CNEs 

Leadership retreats are an essential part of any healthcare practice. How you show up for yourself influences how you show up for others. Transformative Inquiry: A Quest for the Heart and Soul of Your Healthcare Practice  takes ordinary communication to a whole new level and your leadership will be forever changed. 6 CNEs Click here to learn more


Individual Coaching is for you if you are ready for a change. Maybe it’s a career move, a desire to shift how you work, or want to address a health issue impacting your work and life. Individual coaching is a way to get focused and reach your dreams, visions and goals more quickly for the kind of work and life you desire.  Learn More About Individual Coaching Here.



Looking for a speaker for your next program?

Signature Talks: In these challenging times, every talk needs to inform, inspire and ignite new ways of thinking and practicing at every level of healthcare.

If you are looking to infuse your participants with the qualities that not only enhance the care of patients, but your attendees as well, consider one of my Signature Talks. If you still want the same impact, but a different topic or angle, I’ll create a new talk uniquely suited for your audience and needs. Click here to read more about my Signature Talks.

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Jackie Levin


(206) 304-7703

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Pond Road Ventures, Inc.

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