You go to work to make a difference in peoples’ lives. You give a lot so your patients and coworkers get the help they need.
Yet, at the end of a long day, even though you gave and gave, you can end up feeling depleted and like you still didn’t do enough.
Maybe you work harder, longer, and even try to fix the system. But you don’t feel like you’re gaining ground. On a good day, you wish you could find just a moment of quiet to focus and catch your breath. On a bad day? Maybe you think about leaving healthcare altogether.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
As a health professional you don’t have to sacrifice the ideals you went into healthcare with. You can have more space to think, connect meaningfully with others and do the work that really matters to you.
With more ease and fulfillment. Throughout your busy day.
With mindfulness tools and holistic approaches, you’ll more easily engage your patients in their own care, optimize their health and give yourself the joy and passion you had when you entered the fields of medicine and nursing.
Hi, I’m Jackie Levin. I’m a holistic nurse and I’ve taught mindfulness and integrative health approaches for the last 30 years, helping hundreds of health professionals have less stress and more passion for the work we care so deeply about.
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